It's been awhile I did not blog, maybe half year? Lol. Just lost my interest on blogging last time, because I did not have much activities to blog about it, feel speechless on my blog now.
During this absent months, there's a lot thing have changed. I'm still having some big exam even though it is holiday now, that's what makes me busy. Here's some part of my life during these absent months, hoping to share on my blog.
Congrats to my dearest sister, she had married, and give birth to this lil life. My cutest ever nephew!

New me, when I started feel stress of my relationship, my life changed, my relationship turned into single, but i'm happy for it.
New gangs! Had some parties during the past months, some of them are my long lost sister, they are the craziest ever!
To prevent big tummy, I have started my diet plan, and that's suffer! Everything is tasteless..but plain yogurt cereal with some fresh fruits saved me, especially strawberries and raisins. ♥
Got some new heels & pumps, welcome home my loves! Girl's best friend ♥
New Megan's inspired make-up. I was just having fun, I love to beautify myself, but it seems failed, doesn't looks like any part of Megan. Btw, she is my idol since young!
Diet plan really makes me miss all of the sweetest stuff, miss those time having Haagen Daze & Durian Pancake with my sister..yummy..Looking at the picture, I feel so suffer and desperate. lol
Last, my very first nerd look on blog, I guess. Fighting during exams, dark circles, eyesbag, worst face ever.
All these memories I hope can fulfill my blog for awhile, trying hard to blog something out. Lol. Perhaps my next post will be coming asap. Stay tuned.